
Showing posts from November, 2022

How Long Does It Take to Get a Filling Done on a Tooth?

  A simple filling may take as little as 20 minutes. A larger filling or multiple fillings can take longer (45 minutes-1 hour). Also, depending on the materials used for the filling, it could take longer, or require a second visit. Composite resin material that’s layered into your tooth takes more time, but it’s completed in one visit. Some composite fillings may be made from an impression and require a second visit to bond the filling. Porcelain/ ceramic fillings, also called inlays or onlays, usually can’t be done in one sitting. During the first visit, the cavity will be removed and an impression will be made of your tooth, which is sent to a lab to fabricate the filling. In the next visit, the filling is bonded to your tooth.we are Best dental in kochi Replacing an older filling takes about the same amount of time as the original filling or slightly longer if the old filling material has to be drilled out. The cavity and old filling material are cleaned out and new filling mate...

7 Tips to Help Your Dental Crowns Last Longer

  Avoid sticky and hard foods Chewing on ice or hard candies can chip, crack, or break your crown, which means you’ll need to have it replaced earlier than you normally would.  Sticky or very chewy foods can also cause problems, either by weakening or loosening your crown or by causing sticky bits to get trapped between your crown and your gum.   Brush and floss to keep the tooth healthy Even though the crown extends over the entire tooth surface, you still need to brush the crown carefully to remove sticky plaque film and to keep the crown looking its best.  It's very important to floss since germs and food particles can still become trapped or caught between the crown and your gum or the neighbouring tooth.   Kick your bad habits Do you bite your nails? Chew on pencils, ice, or other hard objects? Grind your teeth when you’re stressed? Use your teeth for “tools” to open hard-to-budge bottle caps? Stop.  Not only can these habits break your crowns , but t...

8 Effective Ways to Ease a Toothache!

1. Taking pain medication Taking over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen is a quick, simple way for many people to effectively reduce mild-to-moderate toothaches. (in case you are allergic, take advice from your dentist)  Always stay within the recommended dosage on the packaging. If the toothache is severe, it is best to see a dentist and speak to them about stronger pain relievers. 2. Apply a Cold compress Using a cold compress may help ease the pain of a toothache. Applying a cold compress to the area for 15–20 minutes every few hours in the evening may also help prevent pain when going to bed. 3. Elevation Pooling blood in the head may cause additional pain and inflammation.  Elevating the head with an extra pillow or two may relieve the pain enough for them to fall asleep. 4. Medicated ointments Over the counter numbing gels and ointments that contain ingredients such as may numb the area. However, it may not be suitable for use by young chil...