9 Tips to Relieve Tooth Sensitivity !
Brush Gently Vigorous brushing won’t make your teeth any cleaner, but it can increase your risk for tooth sensitivity. Too-tough brushing can cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, setting you up for tooth sensitivity. Change your Toothbrush Use a soft-bristled brush, Using short strokes. Brush your teeth twice a day in a gentle up-and-down motion — not from side-to-side. Use a Toothpaste made for Sensitive Teeth Most of these toothpastes contain an ingredient that temporarily fills tiny holes in your enamel and dentin. This reduces the amount of exposure your teeth’s sensitive nerves will receive . Rinse your Mouth with Salt Water Warm Salt water can help reduce tooth sensitivity quickly. Salt water balances the pH level inside the mouth, creating an alkaline environment that reduces bacterial growth. It also reduces plaque in the process. This rinse should be used in the morning and at night until sensitivity improves. 5. Oil Pulling: Swishing With Cocon...